Tag Archives: substance abuse assessment

Creative Solutions for Drug Abuse after Treatment


At the end of the day, we as addicts can only live a clean and sober life when we are darn well ready to do so. At the peak of our addiction, if you would have asked anyone who has severely abused drugs or alcohol if we thought that there were solutions to drug abuse, we would’ve responded with something completely ridiculous like “I don’t have a problem so that doesn’t concern me,” or “yea, use more!”.

It’s almost laughable when I look back at the way I thought about drugs before I went through rehab. Having a sense of humor about my past is the best way I’ve found to cope with all the pain I and those who love me endured because of my addiction. I can’t change what has already happened, but I can continue to come up with creative solutions for drug abuse to help myself and others deal with the beast that is addiction. Here are a few post-treatment solutions for drug abuse that I’ve come up with that work for me:

  • Arts & Crafts. Seriously. If you would have asked me to sit down and play with a hot glue gun 10 years ago while I was still abusing drugs, I probably would’ve said “sure” and then tried to figure out a way to get high off the glue. It really works! I really enjoy spending time creating trinkets and crafts whenever I feel one of those moments of “man, if I only had some weed. Just a little weed” coming on. Keep your hands busy creating and you won’t have such a desire to use. I swear it works.
  • Exercise. Now that I’ve been living a clean and sober life for over 9 years, I find that sweating is my drug of choice. Physical activity is probably one of the most fulfilling solutions for drug abuse over a lifetime. Go out and get a nice lather on your body and you’ll be surprised at how satisfied you feel afterwards. It has a very calming effect. You don’t have to go nuts and climb a mountain, just run around the block or go for a swim or shoot some hoops. Sweating feels good and it keeps your mind and body busy.
  • Cooking. I know, I know… cooking right after exercise? Yup. I did it. Getting in the kitchen truly makes me feel at peace. It might work for you as well. It’s one of the best solutions for drug abuse after my treatment that I have found. It keeps my mind busy all day thinking of the possibilities that I can conjure up in the kitchen; additionally, cooking keeps my body busy after the meal when I feel the need to do something with all the excess calories I consumed.

There Are Different Solutions for Drug Abuse for Everybody

These are just a few creative solutions for drug abuse that have worked for me and allowed me to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle post drug treatment. If you are beginning the journey to leading a righteous life without drugs or alcohol, give these activities a try and see if they help. I hope they do.

To learn about more traditional solutions for drug abuse, call 1-800-411-9200 to speak with a drug treatment professional.

Free Drug Rehab Centers offer Hope to Low Income Families

Interventions are sometimes funded by free drug rehab centers.


Drug treatment centers are often very expensive. On top of thosestruggling with addictionbeing in denial about their situation and being unwilling to get treatment; families also have to figure out a way to pay for rehab.  It’s extremely difficult for someone in the grips of addiction to recognize the negative effects their behavior has on themselves and those who care about them. Some free drug rehab centers offerinterventions that can help families and friends present your loved one with an amazing opportunity to choose to make a change in their lives. Experienced interventionists are properly trained can help motivate your loved ones to commit to the help that they desperately need.

Free Drug Rehab Centers Provide Interventions

Interventions are an emotional process involving family and friends who care about the person battling addiction. To begin the process, the interventionist assisting your family will gather these people together to challenge the person about their actions and the consequences of addiction. Here is a breakdown of what the interventionist will do to ensure the best chance that your loved one accepts treatment at a free drug rehab center:

  • Collect Information: The interventionist will allow group members to discuss the extent of the loved one’s problem and research the condition and treatment options.
  • Form the Intervention Team: The Interventionist forms a team that will actively participate in the intervention.A date and location will be set and they will help your family work together to present a consistent, prepared message and implement awell-thought-out treatment plan.
  • Decide on Consequences: The Interventionist will urge each person on the team to decide what action he or she will take if their loved one refuses treatment.
  • Select Exactly What to Say: Each person included in the intervention will know exactly what they are going to say before the meeting begins. The Interventionist will facilitate conversation to ensure everything that needs to be said is said.
  • Follow Up: Interventionists will always follow up with family members, friends and the person needing treatment throughout the recovery process.

Interventions are a wonderful stepping stone to get an addict into treatment. Every family deserves to get the best help possible for their loved ones. Make sure to explore free drug rehab centers that have professional interventionist if you have a family member dealing with drug or alcohol addiction.

To learn more about free drug rehab centers in your area, call 1-800-411-9200 today.

Visit : http://www.aroadtorecoveryrehab.com

Solutions for Drug Abuse after Treatment


There is a plethora of information available on the internet about solutions for drug abuse, addiction, recovery and alcoholism. It can be very difficult to sift through the advertising, false reports and press releases on the matter of solutions for drug abuse. Once you do find a program that offer solutions for drug abuse that works for you, extremely demanding times are thrown upon you and recovery begins. It’s about making that choice. If you have begun the road to living a better life and figured out your solutions for drug abuse, I applaud you; however, the truly hardest part begins as soon as your initial treatment ends. Ironic, eh?

Making a Plan and Sticking to It: Long-Term Solutions for Drug Abuse

Everyone travels a different journey when it comes to recovery of drug or alcohol abuse. Some people are lucky and can decide on and adhere to ultimate solutions for drug abuse that allow them to remain clean and sober for a lifetime. Most of us; however, go through every option possible and to hell and back before something clicks and we are able to stick to life-long solutions for drug abuse that work for us. It’s beautiful really; everyone’s plan unique to themselves and what works for one person may not work for the next. Five thoughts to consider if you have gone through drug and alcohol treatment and are striving to maintain a righteous way of life:

ü  Definitely, definitely, definitely do not use. No matter what, the most important facet of a long term solution for drug abuse is to never touch whatever it is that brought your life turmoil in the first place. Duh.

ü  Attend meetings regularly. No one can understand how difficult a journey recovery can be as well as someone traveling that same path. It’s so important to have contact with other folks going through recovery in order to stay in tune with your treatment for a lifetime.

ü  Constantly obtain knowledge. One can never acquire enough knowledge on the subject of recovery. In fact, in my opinion, no one can ever obtain enough knowledge on any subject. Grab something and hold onto it for dear life. Knowledge is power and will always keep me on track as a lifelong solution to drug abuse.

ü  Keep the ones you love in your thoughts at all times. Most importantly, yourself. It works for me. Anytime I’m feeling down and I want to go back to my old ways, I think of how much it would tear me up inside and how it would affect the ones who love and care about me so much. Don’t let yourself or them down. Ever.

ü  Stay as busy as possible. This kind of goes along with obtaining knowledge, but it’s different. So often, it’s in times of “boredom” or despair that we go back to using. Allow your solution for drug abuse to work by keeping as busy as possible with something healthy and productive in your life on a daily basis.

For community support and other solutions for drug abuse, call 1-800-411-9200 or visit our website at
